Vrnjak carnival

Vrnjac carnival

Every year, the heart of Serbia dances to world and domestic rhythms. The Vrnjačka carnival is a place where tradition and joy intertwine in an unforgettable experience. This carnival, which takes place in July, turns Vrnjačka Banja into one big stage of colorful colors and sounds. More than 200,000 visitors from all over the world come to be a part of this magic, where culture and community are celebrated through masquerade balls, concerts and theater performances.

How the Vrnjački Carnival was created and developed

Since 1868, when the modern spa was officially founded, the residents of the spa have proudly nurtured the culture of balls, masquerades and kermes, creating an atmosphere that still echoes through the streets of this charming place.

July 14, the day when the first tourist organization in the Balkans was founded, became a symbol and occasion for the creation of the "Vrnjački Carnival", a manifestation that every year in the week related to this date, turns the spa into an epicenter of joy and creativity.

Kermesi - A night to remember

Kermes, those magnificent events, used to be held on the terrace of the modern spa bath, where the inhabitants of the spa and the surrounding villages gathered. Kermes day was the day when the Spa shone, decorated with flowers and lanterns, and music filled the air in the parade march. Women from Vrnjak prepared cakes, and the cakes were distributed as gifts to guests, while caterers served drinks and other deacons. Kermes was a night full of games, attractions and selection of beauties, a night that remained in the memory as the most beautiful and romantic summer night in Vrnjačka Banja.

Life is a masquerade

Masquerade balls, those lavish events of masks and costumes, were the heart of entertainment during the '50s and '60s of the last century, with the hotels "Sloboda", "Zvezda" and "ROPS" as hosts. Later, cafes "Lipa" and "Elegant Drašković" continued the tradition, and since 2002, cafe "Savka" has become a place where the tradition of masquerade balls continues.

The international magic of dancing in the streets of Vrnjačka Banja

The great international carnival parade is the highlight of the manifestation, where participants from different parts of the world bring a part of their culture, customs and joy. Colorful masks and costumes parade through the streets of Vrnjačka Banja, and music and dance take center stage. The hosts welcome the guests with a smile, offering them the opportunity to forget their daily worries for a moment and indulge in the charms of the carnival.

Vrnjak carnival

Vrnjačka Carnival on the world stage

The carnival in Vrnjačka Banja, which began to take the form of a carnival town in the early '60s, experienced a revival when the "Vrnjačka Banja" Tourism and Sports Center founded the "International Vrnjačka Carnival". The first carnival held in 2005 brought together over 40 different manifestations, and the International Carnival Parade became the central event that attracted 34 carnival groups and over 1,500 participants. Vrnjački Karneval quickly became a member Federation of European Carnival Cities (FECC) and took an important place in the calendar of world carnival events.

How the Vrnjačka Carnival flourished

The growing number of participants and visitors every year testifies to the importance and popularity of the Vrnjački Carnival. His contribution to tourism and culture was recognized through a prestigious award Tourist flower, awarded by the Tourist Organization of Serbia. This award is a confirmation of the quality and efforts of the organizers to provide an unforgettable experience to all visitors every year.

This story of Vrnjačka Carnival is a story of togetherness, culture and joy that is passed down from generation to generation, making Vrnjačka Banja a place where history and fun merge in a unique celebration. 🎉🎭 And until the next one, we leave you to enjoy a video from one of the previous ones.

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