Accommodation with a fireplace - for romantic enjoyment in a winter idyll

Accommodation with a fireplace

There are many reasons why accommodations with fireplaces are so sought after and appreciated during the snowy months and winter holidays. There's something really romantic about a real flame inside a room, but why is that? Let's see why fireplaces are associated with a good mood and what you can do to make the most of your romantic accommodation with a fireplace.

Accommodation with a fireplace - a scene from a fairy tale

There is no New Year's advertisement that does not show a warm and cozy place around the fireplace, and where else Santa Claus left presents? It's the same with the most romantic movies. We can't imagine a more beautiful scene of a couple in love than one in front of a crackling fireplace, a plaid blanket on the floor and two glasses of red wine.

accommodation with a fireplace

Why does the fireplace awaken only the most beautiful feelings in all of us?

Wondering why firelight is a necessary ingredient for the most pleasant night? There are ancestral, biological and cultural reasons that explain the appeal of real fire. And it goes way back, so far back that you can't even imagine.

Our ancestors long ago, living in caves and outdoors, discovered that fire kept wild animals at bay, and the area around the fire became synonymous with a safe space. This developed into a social place where people could share food and stories in warmth and comfort, so we associated real fire with good company, safety and all those warm feelings of belonging, family and love.

accommodation with a fireplace
  • Fire provides multisensory experiences

Fire is good for most of our senses. We love the smell of smoke, we like bright lights of various colors, the sound of crackling, tiny sparks flying, the feeling of warmth on our skin. While all these senses are happy, we feel relaxed which is necessary for a nap or romance.

  • The light of the fire creates an intimate space

The illuminated area around the fire creates one small zone, regardless of the size of the space in which it is located. In the glow of the fire, it's easy to forget everything else around you, except your partner by the fire, of course. This is why even candlelight dinners are so popular: we feel like we are the only couple in the restaurant, no matter how many people are around us.

  • Low lighting is romantic

It has been scientifically proven that when we find someone attractive, our pupils dilate, sending a subconscious signal to the other person. Accommodation with a fireplace, in the warm glow of the fire, the eyes will imitate exactly the same situation, sending romantic signals.

Tips on how to make the most of accommodation with a fireplace

Get ready for the fireplace. Before starting a fire, check that the fireplace is clean and accessible, that there is enough wood and kindling, and that you have all the necessary tools and accessories, such as matches, a lighter, a spatula, tongs and a grate. Also, ensure good ventilation and open a window to allow any smoke to escape.

Create a pleasant atmosphere. A fireplace can be the perfect addition to create a cozy atmosphere in your home. Make the fire in the fireplace even more attractive by turning off other lights. You can light candles, play music, serve drinks and snacks, and enjoy the company you brought with you. Add a blanket or pillows to the floor (at a safe enough distance of course) and make a comfortable place to sit (or lie down).

Be safe and responsible. A fireplace can also be a source of danger if not used properly and carefully. That's why it's important to follow some basic rules, such as: don't leave the fire unattended, don't put flammable materials near the fireplace, don't put out the fire with water but sand or ash, and don't throw trash into the fireplace. Also, respect the accommodation rules and don't make a mess, because there is nothing that can ruin all the hard work like carelessness.

Suggestions for accommodation with a fireplace

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